Engage with the independent technical support offered by Naval Combat System Integration Support Service from the start of your programme to ensure your capability gets to the hands that depend on it, first time.
Management and development of the Maritime Service Catalogue for the CSDA.
Delivering the Functional Architectures to enable MarOpC.
A unique collaboration between
the MOD, QinetiQ and BAE Systems
NCSISS, based at Portsdown Technology Park (PTP), Portsmouth – provides independent technical advice for Maritime Combat System change and integration in complex warships. This support is available to MOD delivery teams and Industry Partners engaged via CSDA IA to ensure successful delivery of capability to the front line, first time.
Custodian for all MOD Interfaces and Standards – linking to the GRIFFIN database
Supporting Object Management Group (OMG) standards development
Managing DEFSTAN 21-088 for MOD
Reclaimed per annum through Shore Integration, increasing availability and reducing churn.
Meeting the Royal Navy's demand for Operational Advantage through Highly Integrated Combat Systems
Led by the MOD as Design Authority
Manage system boundaries and dependencies
Supported by leading expertise from industry & academia
NCSISS utilises the engineering body of knowledge and experience to understand and articulate Military Capability impact progressively throughout the lifecycle
Led by the MOD, NCSISS sits as an integral part of DE&S procurement process from Concept to Disposal. NCSISS utilises the engineering body of knowledge and experience to understand and articulate Military Capability impact progressively throughout the lifecycle. To enable the MOD to maximise the benefit it will identify issues, risks and gaps and propose mitigations.
NCSISS operates right across the CADMID cycle ensuring that each Combat System change is designed for integration, matured towards integration and integrated effectively. Key phases of all change programmes are actively and robustly engaged from the setting and endorsement of User and System Requirements.
The primary purpose is to capture, understand and explore the mission system within a known context so it can continue to be developed towards a common set of goals as set by the Vision
With the involvement of key stakeholders across the Enterprise, ASPIA is responsible for the development and maintenance of the key Combat System defence standards
ASPIA is responsible for tracking, recording and influencing developments in data management, integration practice and the suitability and application of emerging technologies
ASPIA is responsible for the information management on Complex Warships
ASPIA is a representative and acts on behalf of the CSDA IA and Combat System Design Authority (CSDA)
The Maritime Service Catalogue describes the set of stable and enduring Mission System Services present on current and future RN Platforms.
Defence Standard 02-905 (The Maritime Service Catalogue) is the underpinning artefact supporting Service Based Architecting as defined in Defence Standard 21-088 (Policies and Procedures for System Integration in Surface Ships – Part: 10 : Design and Architecture for Integration). The intent is to establish a common language and therefore Stakeholder Understanding of Mission System Services.